Samaritan’s Purse in Rockwall, TX

November 30th, 2022 by

Samaritan's Purse in Rockwall, TX

Toyota of Rockwall is proud to announce that we are contributing to Samaritan’s Purse this year! We were able to get over 500 boxes created for Samaritan’s Purse. Funds were raised from parts vendors, employees, and the community to purchase everything for all 500 boxes!

Shout out to the National Charity League Lonestar Chapter who came out to help us! Along with Teddy Bear Mobile North Texas who also came out and gave a little buddy away with each purchase which kids were able to love on and pray over before packing away in a box as an extra something special.

The craft station stayed busy all day with children crafting bracelets and writing letters to put in boxes! Kids also designed photo frames to put a family photo in which went into boxes as an extra special touch to send the message that Jesus, my family, & I love and care about YOU and yours.

Toyota of Rockwall is proud to contribute to our community this holiday season! If you are interested to see how we like to stay involved with our community, you should check out our Community Relations page!